10 Treatment Natural of Narcolepsy A Neurological Disorder
Natural Treatment of Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that impacts the part of the brain responsible for controlling sleeping patterns. What makes Narcolepsy disorder so dangerous is that narcolepsy symptoms are frequently also vague to be recognized. Some of the top top symptoms include feeling extremely sleepy during the day time, experiencing significant loss of muscle control, and vulnerability to strong emotions. As Narcolepsy progresses, its sufferer is bound to start sleeping during dissimilar tasks such as cooking or even driving. It is this lack of alertness all of a sudden that can turn out to be particularly dangerous for some. Narcolepsy is a lifelong condition. Although there is no complete treatment for this condition symptoms often improve with Natural Treatment of Narcolepsy.
Narcolepsy patients do not sleep more than other people. They sleep an regular amount, but they are not able to control the timing of sleep. This can have a important effect on their daily life, dangerous even. Because you may drop asleep or suffering too much sleepiness at any time of the day. When you are working, exercising, studying or having a discussion, you name it. Imagine you suddenly fall asleep when you are driving. You are not putting your life at risk but also others. In some countries, it’s against the law to drive with untreated narcolepsy.
Symptoms of Narcolepsy
In most cases, you are bound to notice early Symptoms of Narcolepsy between the ages of 10 and 25, but they are often dismissed as lifestyle habits and not given the attention they deserve. While the most common symptom that narcolepsy sufferers experience is too much daytime sleeping, particularly after a sudden state of heightened emotions such as frustration, sadness, laughter or surprise, the following narcolepsy symptoms may show:

- Often, people with narcolepsy may also experience unexpected, bright and sometimes very frightening hallucinations in the form of both visual and auditory sensation. These generally take place as sufferers are trying to sleep at night or when they wake up in the morning.
Sleep Paralysis
- In this condition, a person may find themselves unable to go or talk at all. This usually happens before they sleep or directly after they wake up.
Muscle Control Loss
- Cataplexy or loss of muscle control is the second most common narcolepsy symptom experienced by most sufferers. This loss of control is triggered after a strong emotional state any time during the day.
Wakefulness at Night Time
- People suffering from narcolepsy may discover themselves waking up during the nighttime for short periods. During this time, they may experience conditions like strong alertness, increased heart rate, and hot flashes.
Herbal Treatment of Narcolepsy
If you suffering symptoms of narcolepsy for some time, you may be looking for possible treatments before your lack of alertness causes you to become a part of a dangerous condition. Luckily, there are numerous Home Remedies for Narcolepsy that are used to control narcolepsy symptoms, most of which do not need medications.
Doctors treat patients using medications that help to manage the sleep patterns. Individuals experience from the condition will automatically fall into REM sleep at any time. Doctors can treat this by adjusting the chemicals in the brain which cause this condition to happen. While these medications are imperative for treating narcolepsy, using Narcolepsy Natural Treatment can help further manage the symptoms.

Gotu Kola
One of the most powerful Natural Remedies for Narcolepsy is gotu kola. Intake of gotu kola can help in improving the flow of blood to the brain. It can also help in boosting the immune system, dropping fatigue and stimulating the central nervous system. Gotu kola tea or tincture can be taken 3 times in a day to deal with the symptoms of the problem.

Yerba Mate
Another Natural Treatment of Narcolepsy is yerba mate. Yerba mate tea can be consumed some times in a day to decrease the frequency of daytime sleep attacks. You need to boil yerba mate leaves in water for 10 to 15 minutes to get ready tea.

It is one of the best Natural Treatment for Narcolepsy available naturally, which is 100% safe and easily available. It improve your body with natural stimulant and and so helps in curing Narcolepsy.

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo is a Chinese traditional herb used as an successful Herbal Cure for Narcolepsy. It enhance blood flow to the brain. It is considered highly beneficial as it has antioxidant properties and improves flow. The essential ingredients called terpenoids and flavonoids are present in the leaves which help a great deal in treating narcolepsy.

Ephedra is a natural herb that increases energy levels. It acts as a natural stimulant and helps keep the patient active. It is one of the best Herbal Treatment of Narcolepsy.

John’s Wort
John’s wort is a well known herb that is found to get better sleep quality. It calms and soothes the nerves. It acts directly on the nervous system. A every day dosage of herbal tea by boiling the herbs in water and consuming the strained juice twice a day is effective.

Vitamins are necessary nutrients required in the daily diet for proper and healthy immune system. Vitamins A,B,C,D are all required in decent amounts that has to be included regularly. Vitamin B complex helps control regular sleep cycles and is used in treating sleep disorders.

You should eat food items rich in protein. It is necessary to decrease the intake of food items rich in carbohydrates. You can include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat meat in your every day diet. You should avoid consuming important meals before sleeping or performing any important activity. Intake of alcohol and nicotine should be totally avoided.

You can practice mild exercises on a daily basis at least 4 to 5 hours earlier than going to sleep. This remedy can help in boosting your energy levels and keeping you mentally attentive. Yoga and meditation can also be experienced to decrease stress and invoke healthy sleep patterns.

Stick to a Sleep Schedule
One of the core tools you have to controlling narcolepsy is to stick to a normal sleep schedule, where you are going to bed at the same time all night and waking at the same time. In addition, most people need between six and eight hours of sleep time.
Related Information:
Natural Home Remedies for Narcolepsy