Graves’ Disease – Leading To Hyperthyroidism

What Is Graves’ Disease?
Graves’ disease is hyperthyroid manifestation of autoimmune reaction which was first described by Sir Robert Graves in 19th century. It is a leading cause of hyperthyroidism especially in women aged over 20 years. If the correct diagnosis is done on time the treatment of Graves’ Disease is not difficult but if left untreated it can lead to several complications and can even result in death. The symptoms are cause of discomfort for patient.
Graves’ Disease Symptoms:
The Graves’ Disease Symptoms are similar to those that are of thyrotoxicosis. These include weight loss despite of increased appetite, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, nervousness, excessive perspiration, heat intolerance or heat sensitivity, increment in bowl movement frequency, muscle weakness, tremors, goiter which appears as a swelling at the base of the neck, exophthalmoses, reddish, lumpy thickened shin skin, warm moist skin with possible vitiligo and alopecia, polyuria, polydipsia, easy bruising, gynecomastia and impotence in males and total menstrual cessation in females.
Graves’ Disease Causes:
Normally thyroid hormone is responsible for controlling metabolism of the body and this hormone release is triggered by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which is released by pituitary gland. In Graves’ disease antibodies are produced which mimic the action of TSH leading to hyperthyroidism. The reason of production of these aberrant antibodies is still in question but experts at Herbs Solutions By Nature determined that genetic factors combined with environmental factors seem to influence. Ophthalmic manifestations are more common in smokers as compared to non-smokers.
Graves’ Disease Diagnosis:
Graves’ Disease Diagnosis can be done on the basis of blood test. The elevated levels of T3, T4 and with abnormally low levels of TSH are diagnostic of this disease. Several other tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis. This include radioactive iodine uptake test, which confirms the diagnosis if large amount of iodine is taken up by the gland, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showing signs of swelling in thyroid are confirmatory.
Graves’ Disease Differential Diagnosis:
Graves’ Disease should be differentiated from several other conditions affecting the gland in the very same way. This include toxic nodular goiter, painless postpartum thyroiditis, Gestational hyperthyroidism, sub acute thyroiditis, gestational hyperthyroidism, subacute thyroiditis, iodine induced hyperthyroidism, TSH producing adenoma and thyroid hormone resistance. Inflammatory eye conditions like opthalmopathies occur in Graves’ disease so one should be differentiated from other.
Graves’ Disease Complication:
Graves’ disease if left untreated can lead to several life threatening conditions such as atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, bone mineral loss, vision loss and elephantiasis dermopathy.
Graves’ Disease Herbal Treatment:
A lot of people look for Graves’ Disease Natural Treatment. It has been seen that natural treatments has helped a lot of people in curing the symptoms and restoring their health conditions. Naturally treated protocols have benefitted of many people and they’ve achieved great success in reducing grave diseases concerns.
The Graves’ Disease Treatment is directed towards controlling thyroid secretion. ”Vegeton” herbal product is a tested product by Herbs Solutions By Nature. It is not only 100 % safe but is also free from any kind of side effects as it is made of natural herbs. Thyroid ablation is sometimes done but it is highly invasive procedure with high risk of hypothyroidism.
While many cases require the full medical treatments, there are certain Grover’s Disease Natural Remedies and home treatments that can help you treat the symptoms and live a relatively normal life.
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