10 Home Remedies to Treat Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy
Does the idea of pinching or squeezing your face makes you cringe? Do you have one side of your face that feels different from the other? These are some of the symptoms caused by Bell’s Palsy, which typically comes on suddenly and can cause paralysis on one side of the face. Luckily, home remedies can help relieve these symptoms and improve the health of the facial muscles affected by Bell’s Palsy. Here are ten Home Remedies for Bell’s Palsy.
Onion Juice
One of Bell’s palsy’s most straightforward and effective Natural Remedies for Bell’s Palsy is onion juice. As onions contain plenty of Sulphur, applying it to your eyelids helps reduce inflammation and ease the pain. Take 1/2 a chopped onion and put it in a blender along with 2 tbsp of water, then apply what comes out on your eyelids. Leave it for 5 minutes before washing your eyes clean with warm water. You can repeat this procedure up to 4 times daily. Note: If you experience burning or irritation, stop immediately!
Also, avoid rubbing your eyes after applying onion juice, as that may irritate them even more. Bell’s palsy is when one side of your face becomes paralyzed due to damage to nerves inside your head. It usually happens suddenly, without any warning signs. This nerve damage causes facial muscles on one side of your face to weaken or become stiff and makes it challenging to normally move that side of your face.
Ginger Compress
Ginger root is also an excellent herbal supplement for Bell’s Palsy. You can either add freshly-grated ginger or grate it, then let it sit for 5 minutes before using it as a compress against your cheek and eye. Hold it in place with an elastic bandage, or you can apply it twice daily, once in the morning and again at night. Massaging ginger oil into your temples will also help ease inflammation; give yourself a home massage twice daily, once in the morning and at night.
Basil Oil
If you want to try a holistic Herbal Supplement for Bell’s Palsy, basil oil is a great place to start. It has an astounding ability to help fight inflammation, one of Bell’s Palsy’s primary symptoms. Take several drops in a capsule and swallow with water every few hours until your pain begins to fade. You can also rub it directly onto your face and other affected areas of your body.
Garlic Paste
Garlic paste is another Home Remedies for Bell’s Palsy. Crush a few garlic cloves and mix with one tablespoon of water to form a thick paste. Apply it on your cheek for about 20 minutes, two times per day for about two weeks. The taste is unpleasant, but there are ways you can work around that by using a tea bag or mixing it with juice so that it gets absorbed more quickly into your system. Also, garlic isn’t just good for warding off vampires — it has some healing properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It also contains vitamin B6 and Pebneton other nutrients that can help prevent nerve damage associated with Bell’s Palsy and make you feel less nauseous due to facial paralysis.
Neem Leaves
Neem leaves can be consumed in some ways. The best method for eating them is either chewing on fresh leaves or using them in a vegetable smoothie. You can also add powdered neem leaves to your dishes while cooking. Either way, you will likely notice a reduction in swelling and pain after ingesting it. Some people swear by neem leaves as effective home remedies for Bell’s Palsy but speak with your herbalist before taking these Natural Remedies for Bell’s Palsy, especially if you’re taking any prescribed medications or herbal supplements.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bell’s palsy is caused by a temporary weakness or paralysis of muscles on one side of your face. It’s thought that Bell’s palsy may be due to swelling or irritation of a facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve) in the area where it passes through your skull behind your ear. Researchers have suggested that applying a vinegar compress can reduce inflammation and ease symptoms, although there is little scientific evidence to support these claims. To use apple cider vinegar as a home remedies for Bell’s palsy, apply it directly to your face using clean cotton balls. Keep each application in place for 5-15 minutes before rinsing with warm water and repeating two or three times per day.
Mint Leaves Paste
Mint leaves have a soothing effect on your skin, and their tannins help shrink swollen blood vessels. To make a paste, put some fresh mint leaves in a small bowl of water and mash them using your fingers or kitchen utensils. Once you are done, rub it on your face for about 5 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. You can also combine mint leaves paste with yogurt or honey for added benefits. As yogurt has antibacterial properties and love has antiviral properties, both make excellent home remedies for Bell’s palsy and other viral infections that cause swelling in the throat.
Turmeric Powder
Many people have found relief from Turmeric for Bell’s Palsy and other conditions by incorporating turmeric into their diet. Turmeric is a spice commonly used in many Asian dishes, so there’s a good chance you’ve eaten it before. But not all turmeric is created equal; some come straight from the root while others come in a powder form or as supplements. Turmeric contains several compounds called curcuminoids, which are thought to help manage inflammation, among other things. Curcuminoids may also be responsible for some of turmeric’s antioxidant properties, making it an excellent anti-inflammatory choice for those with Bell’s palsy.
One home remedy that is especially effective at reducing inflammation and pain associated with Bell’s palsy is Ghee. Ghee, which is derived from clarified butter used in Indian cooking for centuries, can be purchased in most health food stores or made at home. Pebneton, to treat Bell’s palsy using Ghee, simply warm it up in a saucepan until it turns liquid and apply several drops directly to your tongue several times per day. The heat will dissolve the Ghee so that you can swallow it without chewing on it. In addition to being edible, Ghee also has a pleasant taste and aroma, making it easy to consume quickly.
Coconut Water
This popular beverage is best known for its electrolyte balance and trace minerals, but it also contains magnesium, which can help with muscle cramps. If you want to be sure you’re getting enough magnesium, consider using a foot bath. Fill a tub with warm water and Epsom salt, and soak your feet for about 20 minutes. You should notice some relief from foot cramps almost immediately; if not, try rubbing coconut oil on your feet before bed. Magnesium is a natural relaxant that helps prevent muscle spasms.