What can be expected after the treatment of Epididymitis?

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a good day. We have some interesting article for you on what to expect after the Treatment of Epididymitis? While researching online on the disease we came across this interesting and informational excerpt on the ugologyhealth.org.
Posting here the extract of a long article on the disease, causes, symptoms and other related headers for your information!
Reference: www.urologyhealth.org
What can be expected after treatment?
According to the source “Acute epididymitis and acute epididymo-orchitis: In the typical infectious case, it will take two to three days for you to notice improvement. If the redness does not subside and you do not start to feel better by that time, contact your physician. Complete resolution of symptoms will take longer. Discomfort can persist until the entire course of antibiotics is completed, and the firmness and swelling can takes months to resolve. Following the instructions to stay at bed rest with scrotal elevation for the first one to two days will help speed recovery. You should follow-up with your physician after treatment. In cases of tuberculous epididymitis that do not require orchiectomy, it takes months to resolve on medications, and there will likely be some shrinking of the testicle. Amidarone epididymitis improves after reducing the dose or stopping the drug, without any residual problems. Chemical epididymitis also resolves completely.
Chronic epididymitis: Treatment is ongoing, and not curative. You may need to take medications for years, or until the symptoms resolve spontaneously. If epididymectomy is performed, relief of symptoms occurs in three out of four patients after a few weeks for surgical recovery. If surgery has not resolved your symptoms, then your doctor will try medical therapy again.
Acute orchitis: Following the acute phase of mumps orchitis, the pain resolves but there is often atrophy of the testicle.”
Resource Link:: https://www.urologyhealth.org/urology/index.cfm?article=114
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