You know who gets Tinea Versicolor?

American Academy of Dermatology published an article on who is affected by this disorder and the causes of it. While doing some online research on TV and some other disorder we found this very useful information which we found worth sharing so that a lot of you can know who is likely to get affected by this disorder and what really causes it.
Source: American Academy of Dermatology
Let’s find out according to AAD Who gets Tinea Versicolor !
They say “The yeast that Causes Tinea Versicolor lives on everyone’s skin. It is not clear why the yeast overgrows on some people’s skin and not others. We do know the following about Tinea Versicolor:
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- People of all skin colors get it.
- Teens and young adults are most susceptible because they have oily skin.
- Older adults and children rarely get it unless they live in a tropical or subtropical area.
- People who live in non-tropical areas often see tinea versicolor disappear during the cool, dry months.
Now let’s find out according to AAD what causes Tinea Versicolor !
Yeast normally live on our skin. When the yeast overgrows, it causes the skin disease tinea versicolor. It is believed that the following can cause the yeast to overgrow:
- Hot, humid weather.
- Lots of sweating.
- Oily skin.
- A weakened immune system.
For more detailed information you can visit the website of American Academy of Dermatology where you can find first-hand information on the disorder. We will come up with more fresh research as soon as we come across something helpful and what we feel will make a difference in your life. Don’t ever hesitate to go to a dermatologist if you ever experience any symptoms that relate to this disorder. For details on symptoms you can click the disease by going to the search disease by name page the tab of which has been placed on our main website homepage.